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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis elbow is a condition characterized by pain in the elbow while straightening the arm or turning the wrist or while lifting an object. If you want to find out more about tennis elbow, continue reading this article.

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow gets its name from tennis players. Most tennis players suffer from this condition at least once in their life. So, here is what happens in tennis elbow.

The forearm muscles are attached to the arm bone at the elbow joint by tendons. Tennis elbow is caused to due to the degeneration of these tendons. Since these tendons are present on the epicondyle or the bony part on the outside or lateral side of the elbow, this condition is called lateral epicondylitis. When you make repetitive and vigorous movements which put pressure on the forearm and elbow, it causes small tears in these tendons. This condition causes pain in the elbow and is, therefore, called tennis elbow.

Tennis elbow is mostly seen in individuals who are involved in professions that require repetitive and vigorous movements of the forearm, characteristic of the game of tennis. Painters, weavers, carpenters, gardeners, and sports such as racquet ball, squash, and fencing also lead to tennis elbow.

What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?

The foremost symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outside of the elbow, just below the elbow bend. This pain can often radiate down the arm and toward the wrist. Grasping or lifting objects can make the pain worse. Any activity which involves turning or twisting the wrist causes pain. Pain is also experienced while the individual is resting or sleeping at night. If you have had this pain for more than two weeks, make sure to consult a physician.

How is tennis elbow treated?

The treatment of tennis elbow usually begins with anti-inflammatory medications to control the pain and reduce the inflammation. The physician will suggest a few ways to change your work style such as modification in certain strokes played by tennis players. At home, ice packs can help reduce inflammation. The use of an elbow clasp while performing certain activities will help reduce the pressure on the forearm and the elbow.

Cortisone injections might be needed to provide relief in tennis elbow, if the above steps do not help. If two steroidal injections do not work, it is most likely that these injections will not help you. Surgery is the last option available in such a situation. However, mostly medications and changes in work style provide relief from tennis elbow.

How to prevent tennis elbow?

You can prevent tennis elbow. Here are certain steps that can help:

* Discontinue or modify any activity that causes excessive strain on the elbow.

* If there are certain activities that cannot be avoided or modified, make sure to warm up your fingers, hands, wrists, arms, and elbows before beginning the task. A simple stretch before an activity can help you prevent tennis elbow.

* Warm up your fingers and hands by closing and opening your fist about 20 times.

* Warm up your wrists in a circular motion clockwise and then anti-clockwise about 10 times.

*Stretch your arms in front of you and hold the stretch for about five seconds. Practice this exercise about 10 times. This will warm up your arms and elbows.

* When you begin work, make sure to maintain a proper posture. Your hands, wrists, arms, and elbows should be relaxed and comfortable. Your work desk should be the right height. Your hands and wrists should be straight and relaxed while typing.

* Use an elbow clasp or strap while performing activities which put excessive strain on your arms and elbows.

* Make sure to take a break every thirty minutes.

* If you experience pain in the elbow at the end of the day, place an ice pack on it for about twenty minutes.

Tennis elbow is quite common among professions which put excessive strain on the elbow. But it can be prevented if proper care and caution are exercised. However, if you have difficulties in lifting objects, pain while using your arm and pain in the elbow, consult a physician immediately. Timely treatment can help you get relief and also prevent the recurrence of tennis elbow.

Copyright © Roohi Khan - 2009 

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